DIY hair mask for faster hair growth

Hi guys, I know Everybody love long and shiny hair. But only a few have them. So today I have an amazing trip for you which can help you in accomplishing your dream of long hair.

So, i know you all are very excited to know about it, so let's start. Have you people heard of aloe vera gel . I hope you definitely have heard of it. Today I am going to share with you an amazing mask that will help your hair to grow faster.

Ingredients required:
1. Aloe vera gel
2. Coconut oil
3. Lavender essential oil


How to make this mask:
All you  have to do is take 2 tablespoon of aloe vera gel and 1 full spoon of coconut oil.
Mix them well. If you have essential oil available at home then you can add two drops of it, otherwise it's not that necessary. But always make sure that if you use this mask in winter's so firstly warm the coconut oil by using double heating method.
Now you can mix them all and apply this to your hair strands. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash it off with a mild shampoo. After wash you will notice that your hair have become silky, smooth and shiny. They will become healthy.

*Coconut oil is very good for hair it makes  them shiny, soft and promotes hair growth.
* Lavender oil is also considered best for     hair growth.
* Aloe vera gel stops hair fall and moisturize them so well.


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